My humble beginnings as a Data Analyst

Photo by Carlos Muza on Unsplash

My humble beginnings as a Data Analyst

I recently completed a short course (Data Analysis Using Excel) on the Great Learning platform, this afforded me the opportunity of learning some of the base building blocks of Data Analytics. Some of what I learned were: -Phases of a data analytics project -Data Cleaning -Functions -Sort and Filter -Lookup Functions -Conditional Formating -Data Validation -Pivot Tables You can view my certificate of completion and also get more details about the course from the following link My Certificate Of Completion

It was a truly immersive experience, though i still had some reservations, of which the most important was the lack of projects at the end the trainings. I'm currently trying to remedy that setback by taking the freecodecamp course on Microsoft Excel (a topic for another day). Hopefully this would give me the opportunity to apply the previously acquired knowledge from Great Learning. Time to get hands on, see you guys later!